Can Being In A Relationship Be Bad For You?

It seems pretty obvious that the first few dates with someone new can be bad for your waistline. When you’re in a new relationship you tend to eat out more, maybe you’re having a few extra tipples and you may also be less active as more time is taken up with your new beau.

After the first exciting few weeks or months, your lifestyle will usually return to normal though, right? Maybe not…

A recent article about Love Island’s Jack & Dani highlights the difficulties some couples face with keeping healthy not only during the early stages of a relationship but also throughout established relationships too.

The Dinner Date

Going out for dinner is a really popular date idea, especially in the early stages of a relationship. It’s a good chance to get to know each other as you have time to talk and get to know each other. It’s also a great date idea because you have the opportunity to sneak out earlier than planned if things aren’t going as well as you’d hope. If you’re enjoying yourself you can stay for dessert, coffee and even a drink in the bar afterwards. This will take its toll on your waistline though (and your wallet!)

The Cosy Takeaway

Once the relationship is more established, a night in with a good film and a takeaway is perfect. No cooking or washing up for either of you to do and you can just enjoy each others company. While these nights can be really good fun, they’re no good if you’re trying to stay healthy.

The Social Drinker

Even if you’re not usually a big drinker, it can be tempting to have a few extra tipples when you’re in a new relationship. In the very early stages, it can simply be for a bit of “Dutch courage” (There’s no denying that first dates are scary!). Whether you’re eating out or spending a night eating with them at home it’s easy to drink more than you usually would when you’re in a relationship.

The New Lifestyle

To an extent, your new partner should fit into your current lifestyle – if your lifestyles are worlds apart it is less likely that you’ll even get to this stage (although we know this isn’t always true!) There will always be differences though and this can have an effect on your health. Maybe you’re an avid gym-goer and this may go on the back-burner to make time for dates. If you love walking but your partner doesn’t you may find yourself spending more time inside. These things can make a huge difference to your health.

When you get into a new relationship or start dating someone new, remember to keep some time back for yourself. It is tempting to jump in head first and completely adopt your new partner’s lifestyle but this is a slippery slope. Take care of yourself and everything else will fall into place.

Until next time,

The Just Singles Team