The Best Comedy Movies To Watch During Lockdown

Welcome to the Just Singles blog, a hub of all things dating tips, relationship advice and lockdown tricks that will help make your life and dating adventures fun and exciting! Lockdown has officially been extended and dating is booming. The sun has been shining but the feeling of dread has stayed with us all along the way. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of the BEST comedy movies to watch during lockdown!

The Hangover
An oldie but a goodie. This movie will never not be funny! There’s no better time to relive the mad adventures of Alan and his friends as they recall their wild friend’s stag do in Las Vegas!
Watching it now, while stuck inside, makes it even funnier – especially if you were planning a lads holiday this year that’s had to be postponed till we don’t know when!

One of the funniest chick flick films out there – Bridesmaids will have you crying with laughter whether you’re male or female! The scene in the wedding dress in the street – you know the one!
This film is silly, it’s funny, it’s terrible and it’s one that when it’s on, you can’t get up and leave! Get your popcorn out to see a hilarious story of friendships, sex, relationships and gal pals!

Step Brothers

It’s mad to think that Elf was in Step Brothers but the comedy in this film will have you crying with laughter. If your humor includes hilarious cusses, brilliant takedowns, and slapstick comedy, Step Brothers is the film for you!

It’s pure silliness with a cute family feel to it that will help you escape the seriousness of life around you!

Hot Fuzz

If you’re looking for a bit of British humor, Hot Fuzz is the film for you! A riddle of conspiracies wrapped in a quaint English village with Simon Pegg as a serious police officer and Nick Frost as the local Bobby, it is laugh after laugh fun!

Think a British take on Bad Boys – but more awkward and English with west country accents and a few cornettos thrown in for good measure!

Groundhog Day
If there were ever a film to sum up what is happening right now, it’s got to Groundhog Day! The film follows Bill Murray as he is forced to live the same day over and over again until his happy ending.

We don’t know about you, but our days are starting to feel a bit like that too!

Groundhog Day is a classic, it’ll have you giggling and feeling nostalgic all in one!

It just wouldn’t be a comedy movie round-up without Anchorman, would it!? Ron Burgandy and his pals will have you forgetting the scary world outside of your front door and will have laughing at the silliness of Will Ferrell’s humor!

This one is great to stock up on snacks with – you won’t want to have toilet breaks for fear of missing out on all of the lols over and over again!

Mean Girls
One for the ladies – if you grew up quoting that on Wednesdays, we wear pink (!) it’s time to dust off the old classic and shout along with the film!

You’ll be laughing as you relive the life of Gretchen Wiener and her mean pals as you scream “she doesn’t even go here!”. You could even dress up in your favourite sweat pants – Lord knows they’re the only thing that fits you right now!

Shaun of the Dead
It kind of feels like the end of the world right now, doesn’t it? We can’t leave our houses, we’re twitching the curtains at anyone who walks past and the pub garden seems like a million miles away.

The best film to watch right now to inject a bit of topical humor has got to be Shaun of the Dead! A classic made by the same people behind Hot Fuzz, it has similar humor, characters and, well, cornettos!

Austin Powers
If you’ve liked the films already in this list then your sense of humor will match ours here at Just Singles HQ! We love nothing more than British comedy, slap stick funnies and sarcasm.

What better way to finish off our lockdown comedy movies you must watch in lockdown than with Austin Powers!

All of the Powers films will have you crying with laughter. The silliness is in no way out of date and you’ll find yourself appreciating the jokes more now that you’re a bit older and the world is falling apart outside!

The characters are just as funny and Dr Evil is more hilarious than he was the first time around! Three movies in one to binge – what more could you want!?

So there you have it, a full weekend of films just before you sign off from your computer and take the long commute from the kitchen to the living room and sofa.

Stay safe out there guys!

If you get bored amongst all the films, why not check out Just Singles for some fun and flirting!