Beat the Lockdown Loneliness

Welcome to lockdown in the UK. It’s an odd time to be online, it almost feels like that weird limbo between Christmas and New Years’ Eve when you’re not quite sure what day of the week it is and when was the last time that you showered. It’s all starting to feel a bit enclosed, intoxicating and overwhelming. Here at Team Just Singles, we want to help you combat those feelings of loneliness, boredom, and isolation. Here are some top tips for you:

Connect With New People Online

It can feel natural to want to stay in your safe shell during self-isolation. But one thing that you can do to kick the loneliness is branch out and use online friendship and connection sites like Just Singles to help you find new people. It’s important to be able to get some normality back into your life and you can get this by chatting and connecting with people in the same boat as you.

Just Singles is super easy to use, our goal is to connect people who have a spark and help them to get chatting. Making good connections online has never been easier or more fun!

JustSingles is dating on the go and from your home!

Play Games With Friends and Family

There are loads of new ways for you to hang out with friends and family while you’re in lockdown. You can use apps like House Party, Zoom and FaceTime to video call your friends and hang out together. You can even do things like YouTube pub quizzes while on calls together. This video-focused software make it feel like the other person is in the room with you and the laughs and chemistry flow easily and in a fun way!

Phone a friend

It might sound silly but picking up the phone and calling your pals number can be the simplest way to reconnect and get out of your lonely funk. You can have them on speaker phone with you while you cook your dinner and chat while you eat your dinner. You can have virtual dinner dates, play games like guess the intro and just have a catch up about what’s going on in your life now that you’re in lockdown.


It’s the social media giant that has taken over lockdown across the world! Even if you don’t want to contribute towards the platform with your own content, you can watch people perform silly dances, mime to movie lines, cook and so much more! Many people now use TikTok to chat, communicate and share time with and it’s a great way to bring the fun into your living room! 

There are plenty of ways to ban the loneliness this lockdown – beat it today with Just Singles!