You’re Just Not That Into Them

He's Just Not That Into You

Just because someone’s quite cute and your first date wasn’t a disaster, doesn’t always mean that they’re right for you. Here’s how to tell if you’re just not that into them…

You don’t miss them
You sort of forget about them when they’re not around. Usually when you’re smitten you can’t stop thinking about the other person and you’re phone is never out of your hand, but this time you never really text them unless they text you first, and even then there’s no urgency to message back. If the only time you think of them is when you see them or they try to contact you, there’s something wrong.

They don’t come up in conversation
Your friends ask if there’s anything new going on with you and the first thing you think about is that amazing new steak restaurant you tried last week. You never think to bring them up when you’re having a good old gossip with your friends and when they ask, you can’t really be bothered to go into much detail.

You don’t make an effort
You’d rather save your best outfit for drinks with friends on Saturday than waste it on your date. Getting ready for a date takes half the time because you’re too busy watching your favourite programme, you don’t really have much input when it comes to deciding on a date activity and the thought of meeting their friends and family fills you with disinterest.

They embarrass you
The flower deliveries and long kisses goodnight are all a little too much for you. The thought of them meeting your friends cringes you out slightly and you prefer to keep public displays of affection to a minimum (or any displays of affection).

You’re keeping your options open
You’ve just put the phone down and now you’re logging back into your dating profile to see if anyone else has messaged you, and you don’t feel guilty about an evening-long conversation if they have. You still enjoy making eyes at the cute coffee barista on your lunch breaks and you’re very up to date with your ex’s social media activity. In conclusion, you’re just waiting for something better to come along.

Until next time,

The Just Singles Team.

About the author…


Rachel is a Marketing Executive. She’s obsessed with Game of Thrones and country music. Her favourite pastime is cuddling up with her two Labradors and binge watching Netflix.

One response to “You’re Just Not That Into Them”

  1. […] week, we gave you five ways to tell if you’re just not that into them, now it’s time to get excited at the tell-tale signs that you’ve really fallen for […]