Awkward First Date Moments

There’s a lot of reasons why we get so nervous before a first date, but mostly it’s just the fear of one or more of these situations…


When you’re really early or they’re really late and you have to sit around playing with your phone to avoid the pity stares.

When you’ve played it safe and picked a busy place to meet. Unfortunately your meeting place is so crowded that you now have to walk around asking the wrong people if they’re your date.

When you’re walking up to each other and you’re not sure whether to hug, kiss or shake hands. Hug, kiss shake? HUG, KISS, SHAKE?!!!

When you finally meet and are immediately impressed with their Photoshop skills because they look like a completely different person in real life.

When they get their phone out to take a #firstdateselfie.

When you see someone you know and pray that you don’t bump into them and have to introduce your blind date.

When you’ve just come out of a long-term relationship and accidentally call them the wrong name. More than once.

When you go to the toilet after your dessert and see your starter stuck in your teeth.

When you’re too polite to call it quits, so you stay for a few extra pity drinks and end up accidentally arranging a second date…

When they start to give you a fake story about why they have to leave early and you just sit there and go along with it because you’re too polite.

When the bill comes…


Tell us your most awkward dating experience below!

Until next time,

The Just Singles Team.

About the author…


Rachel is a Marketing Executive. She’s obsessed with Game of Thrones and country music. Her favourite pastime is cuddling up with her two Labradors and binge watching Netflix.

One response to “Awkward First Date Moments”

  1. James Brown says:

    44yrs old, wheelchair user.